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Vordertierberg | View towards the Vordertierberg during a mountaineering training at the Sustenpass, Switzerland. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comWendenhorn, Switzerland | View towards the Wendenhorn during a mountaineering training at the Sustenpass, Switzerland. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comStream in the mountains at the Sustenpass, Switzerland | Small creek flowing down towards our accomodation at the Sustenpass. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comView from the Steingletscher, Switzerlan | View from the Steingletscher during a mountaineering training at the Sustenpass, Switzerland. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comSteingletscher Sustenhorn Swiss Alps | A mystic landscape reveals when climbing the glacier leading to the Sustenhorn in the Swiss Alps. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comLe Creux du Van near Neuchatel, Switzerland | Created during the last ice age, the Creux is one of the geological highlight in Switzerland and located in the Suisse Jura near Neuchatel. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.comThe Gorges de l'Areuse, Switzerland | The Areuse is the main stream filling the lake Neuchatel and passes through the Jura. The resulting gorge is one of the most impressing nature attractions in the Jura. - Realisiert mit Pictrs.com


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