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230603_yg_4025 | Tim Spilker bekam Pokal und Urkunde überreicht - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4034 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4118 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4123 | Niklas Wüllner setzt sich durch und verkürzt auf 2:1 - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4132 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4139 | Enttäuschte RWK Kicker - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4147 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4186 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4198 | Herringhauser Jubel - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4199 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4234 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4238 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4239 | Sparkassen Sportpark FC Exter; Sportplatz, Kunstrasen - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4248 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4283 | Marvin Hoffmeier mit Bier und T-Shirt - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4305 | Daniel Halfar, Trainer FC RW Kirchlengern - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4306 | Herringhausenes Levin Güzelel (in weiß) trifft hier zum 1:0. Sowohl der Torschütze als auch Lennard Wüllner (Rückennummer 23) ziehen sich Kopfverletzungen zu. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4311 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4316 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4336 | Ümit Gözlükcü und Marvin Lehr - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4342 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4359 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4362 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4405 | Der FC Exter war Gastgeber für das Fußball Kreispokalfinale zwischen der SG FA Herringhausen/Eickum und dem FC RW Kirchlengern. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4411 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4414 | Herringhauser Jubel - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4421 | Einer von vielen Zweikämpfen: Herringhausenes Altan Dincedmir (r.) gegen Kirchlengerns Burak Mete Cosar - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4427 | FAH-Torhüter Lennart Rottmann hielt einen Elfmeter und führte sein Team so zum Sieg - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4453 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4469 | Rund 450 Fans besuchten am Samstag das Kreispokalfinale am Sparkassen Sportplatz in Exter. Die SG FA Herringhausen/Eickum gewann 8:6 nach Elfmeterschießen gegen den FC RW Kirchlengern - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4473 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4483 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4486 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4499 | ZDer zweifache Torschütze Yannick Greitschus - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4523 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4530 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4549 | Daniel Halfar, Trainer FC RW Kirchlengern - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4586 | default - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4594 | Jan Kallabis - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4604 | Zufrieden mit dem Verlauf: Kreisvorsitzender Markus Bierbaum und Exters Vorsitzender Oliver Halle - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4616 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4623 | Schiedsrichter Tobias Patzer hatte reichlich zu tun, hier wurde wieder diskutiert - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4625 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4632 | Herringhauser Jubel - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4689 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4695 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4704 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4726 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4766 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4771 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4778 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4810 | Marcel Thelen - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4825 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4829 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4850 | Ümit Gözlükcü - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4878 | Der FC Exter war Gastgeber für das Fußball Kreispokalfinale zwischen der SG FA Herringhausen/Eickum und dem FC RW Kirchlengern. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4882 | Der FC Exter war Gastgeber für das Fußball Kreispokalfinale zwischen der SG FA Herringhausen/Eickum und dem FC RW Kirchlengern. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4898 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4966 | Artem Panasenkov überspringt hier Tim Spilker Grätsche - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4978 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_4982 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_5000 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230603_yg_5028 | Daniel Halfar, Trainer FC RW Kirchlengern - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1012 | Die FAH-Spieler bedanken sich bei ihren Fans - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1024 | Pechvogel Tim Spilker - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1052 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1054 | Benedikt Paweltzik und Friedel Neumann - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1103 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1105 | Steffen Feichtinger und Geschäftsführer Andre Krause - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1111 | In der Analyse: FAH-Trainer Ümüt Gözlükcü und Vorsitzender Wolfgang Rullkötter - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1126 | Maxi und Anton waren als Balljungen dabei. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1164 | Pascal Lebeck mit der Belohnung nach dem Spiel - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1169 | Henrik Koch hat gerade das 2:0 für den DSC erzielt - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1202 | Steffen Feichtinger - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1216 | Drei Freistoß bleibt in der roten FAH-Maier hängen - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1221 | Kurz vor dem Anpfiff - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1228 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1229 | Die FAH-Spieler bedanken sich bei ihren Fans - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1243 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1245 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1249 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1257 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1273 | Lennart Rottmann ahnt die Ecke - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1274 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1278 | Die volle Tribüne im Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1279 | Kurz vor dem Anpfiff - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1284 | Kurz vor dem Anpfiff - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1336 | Tim Spilker führte sein Team aufs Feld - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1345 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1351 | Die volle Tribüne im Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1360 | Die volle Tribüne im Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1382 | Levin Güzelel - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1452 | Luca Chapman hat sich das Trikot von Nassim Boujellab gesichert - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1505 | Die Arminia Fans feiert den Sieg - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1527 | Aygün Yildirim ist hier schon an Torhüter Lennart Rottmann vorbei, trifft aber nicht. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1571 | Kapitän Semi Belkahia, dahinter Fabian Klos - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1577 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1581 | Louis Oppie - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1644 | Lukas Möllering schreibt autogramme - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1655 | Die FAH-Spieler bedanken sich bei ihren Fans - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1656 | Kilian Greitschus erobert den Ball von Manuel Wintzheimer - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1674 | Fabian Klos - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1677 | Semi Belkahia - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1680 | Henrik Koch gegen Levin Güzelel - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1710 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1787 | Die Hausmeister Robin Fischer (l.) und Lutz Recktenwald kümmern sin in der Halbzeit um den Rasen - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1831 | FAH-Vorsitzender Wolfgang Rullkötter und sein Team hatten alles im Griff - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1834 | Die Jüngsten unterstützen ihre Farben lautstark - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1871 | Lennart Rottmann - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1877 | Semi Belkahia beim Kopfball - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1890 | Die Arminia-Führungsriege - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1900 | DSC-Trainer Mitch Kniat - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1947 | Die volle Tribüne im Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1982 | GEgen REgen waren die Fans gewappnet - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1986 | Marvin Hoffmeier - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_1998 | Christopher Schepp - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2008 | Lukas Möllering ist vor Nicklas
Shipnoski am Ball. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2018 | Vor dem VIP-Raum - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2030 | DSC-Trainer Mitch Kniat - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2060 | Pascel Lebeck mit dem Trikot von Henrik Koch - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2088 | Christopher Lannert gibt Autogramme - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2107 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2122 | DSC-Trainer Mitch Kniat schaut auf die Uhr - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2167 | Lukas Möllering warf sich in jeden Zweikampf - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2244 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2271 | Lukas Möllering - Manuel Wintzheimer - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2300 | Schiedsrichter Kevin Oschinski gibt den Elfmeter - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2316 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2328 | Louis Oppie im Duell mit Marvin Hoffmeier - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2382 | Merveille Biankadi - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2383 | Merveille Biankadi - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2394 | Aygün Yildirim - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2396 | Aygün Yildirim  - Tom Boldt - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2399 | Lucas Kiewitt - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2443 | Fabian Klos - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2445 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2458 | Henrik Koch - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2492 | Henrik Koch - Luca Chapman - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2493 | Marvin Hoffmeier - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2514 | Die volle Tribüne im Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2520 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2522 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2530 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2532 | Die volle Tribüne im Ludwig-Jahn-Stadion - Realized with Pictrs.com230808_yg_2537 | Yvonne. Photo. Sportfoto in OWL. - Realized with

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