Sei qui:

Ice Angel

I make the Ice Angels in a Limited Edition of 50 (big) /50 (middle) /100 (small) sized angels. Each Ice Angel is unique, numbered and differs from the others in small details. You can buy the Ice Angels in Rovaniemi (Finland) in the Shop of Arktikum (the…

I make the Ice Angels in a Limited Edition of 50 (big) /50 (middle) /100 (small) sized angels.

Each Ice Angel is unique, numbered and differs from the others in small details.

You can buy the Ice Angels in Rovaniemi (Finland) in the Shop of Arktikum (the museum of
arctic culture and environment), in Korundi (the museum of modern Art in the North) or order an angel by sending an e-mail to

I will inform you about the availability and prices on request.



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Ice Angel


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